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Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Thore Zantop

Straubing, Deutschland
Sporthopaedicum Straubing

Prof Dr med Thore Zantop is Head of Knee Arthroscopy at the sporthopaedicum Straubing/Germany. He is member of Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery (AGA), the German-Austrian-Swiss Society for Orthopaedic Traumatologic Sports Medicine (GOTS) and founding member of the German knee Society (DKG).

He is a specialist in arthroscopy and knee ligament reconstructions. His scientific research is focussed on clinical outcome studies as well as biomechanical research in vitro and in vivo. His encouraged scientific work enabled him to serve as Board member of the GOTS for a period of 6 years and as one of the few European members of the Associate Board on the Journal of Arthroscopy. For 4 years, he was Associate Editor of the Archives of Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Surgery (AOTS). Dr Zantop`s current research activities include Return-to-play analysis of patients following knee ligament reconstructions such as ACL and PCL reconstructions.

Dr Zantop is currently listed as an author on 109 original scientific and review articles on medline. Moreover, he is authors of several textbooks with specific emphasize on the detailed description of scientific and clinical research of the ACL. Among these, he published the textbook “Arthrocopic Surgery”, a state of the art textbook for arthroscopic surgical techniques in over 5500 pictures and over 2600 pages. To educate young surgeons, he is scientific leader of the “Sylter Arthroskopiekurs” and the “Arthroskopiekurs Arosa”. He is organizer of the International knee day, an world wide online symposium having more thjat 40000 partipcipants 2020 and expected to have more than 100000 surgeons participating in 2021 with a 24 hours lecture all aroupond the world.

Vorsitz, Moderation, Podium
Return to Sport – Ein interdisziplinäre Herausforderung
Donnerstag, 15.05.2025
16:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr
Raum U.001
OP-Videos / „My Way“
Samstag, 17.05.2025
11:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
Campus Hall
Ambulante Sportmedizin
Freitag, 16.05.2025
16:45 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
Raum U.022
RTP bei Knieverletzungen
Donnerstag, 15.05.2025
16:00 Uhr bis 16:15 Uhr
Raum U.001
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