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Ap. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. univ. Lukas Negrin

Wien, Österreich

Ap. Prof. PD Dr. Lukas Negrin, MSc MSc Ph.D., is a specialist in „Trauma Surgery and Sports Traumatology“ and „Orthopedics and Traumatology“ with a master’s degree in sports medicine. Since graduating from medical school, he has worked at the Department of Trauma Surgery of the Medical University of Vienna clinically and scientifically. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers on severe injury management and knee injuries.

Since 2018, Negrin has been providing care as the team doctor for the „Men’s World Cup Alpine Speed“ group of the Austrian Ski Association at training camps, World Cup races, and major events. The highlight was his employment at the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. Moreover, Negrin is active as a tournament doctor at beach volleyball majors, European and World Championships, and an organizer of congresses with a sports medicine focus.

Finally, Negrin was a member of the Austrian Taekwondo Junior National Team from 1998 to 2001 and the Austrian Taekwondo Men’s National Team from 2002 to 2008. He achieved top ten rankings at European Championships, World Championships, World Student Championships, and Universiade and was the winner of numerous major international tournaments.

Vorsitz, Moderation, Podium
Wenn Sport zur Gefahr wird – Umgang mit schweren Verletzungen
Donnerstag, 15.05.2025
10:00 Uhr bis 11:30 Uhr
Campus Hall
Eröffnung & Honorary lecture
Donnerstag, 15.05.2025
11:30 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
Campus Hall
Sand, Sonne, Spitzensport – Beachvolleyball im Fokus
Freitag, 16.05.2025
11:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
Campus Hall
Inside the Game – Einblicke in die Profisportbetreuung
Samstag, 17.05.2025
09:00 Uhr bis 10:30 Uhr
Campus Hall
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